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Martha's Vineyard, Ron DeSantis, migrants, shipped, Massachusetts, ...


Медиа-твиты от ProjectPrime (@BlackShadow979) Твиттер

Officials From Martha’s Vineyard Hold Emergency Meeting Following Arrival o...

Officials From Martha's Vineyard Hold Emergency Meeting Following Arrival of an

the donald, trump, forum, america, reddit, trump forum, donald trump, free ...

Get out of here - The Donald - America First Patriots Win


Governor DeSantis' hero status explodes with his Martha's Vineyard operation

Migrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard are being rehoused on a base in Cape Cod...

Migrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard are being rehoused on a base in Cape Cod - We

Fight over border security escalates after governors send migrants to Kamal...

Fight over border security escalates after governors send migrants to Kamala Har

The Martha’s Vineyard migrant crisis sparked national conversation about wh...

Martha's Vineyard local: Migrants will 'luck out

Officials From Martha’s Vineyard Hold Emergency Meeting Following Arrival o...

Officials From Martha's Vineyard Hold Emergency Meeting Following Arrival of an

A group of immigrants gather outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church on Martha’s ...

DeSantis apparently sending migrants to Biden's summer home

See more '2022 Martha's Vineyard Migrant Drop-Off / Kamal...

Martha's Vineyard Migrant Memes "They Enriched Us" 2022 Martha's Vineyard Migran

$5K reward offered for ID of mystery 'Perla' who helped DeSantis ...

$5K reward offered for info on DeSantis' Martha's Vineyard stunt