Lesbian ancient greece

Ancient women writers, from Sumeria, Greece, Rome, and Alexandria.

Sappho (poetess of Ancient Greece, born in the island of Lesbos).

Proantic: Painting Representative Sappho. Art Nouveau. Beginning Of Th

The Orient and the Occident, by Nicaise de Keyser.jpg

Файл:The Orient and the Occident, by Nicaise de Keyser.jpg - Википедия

Sappho was a Greek lyric poet, born on the island of Lesbos.

Fazıl ÜSTÜNDAĞ: Haziran 2014

Сурет:Jean-Léon Gérôme - Young Greeks Attending a Cock Fight - Google Art P...

Сурет:Jean-Léon Gérôme - Young Greeks Attending a Cock Fight - Google Art Projec

Начинал как портретист.

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The monstrosity of the worse ruling the better

this is a drawing of the goddess artemis (left) kissing the poet and queen ...

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